NeoGraft Cost

FUE System

Priced on a per graft basis. Our prices are affordable and we offer 0% Financing. 

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Fort Worth, Dallas, Arlington, Euless, Bedford, Hurst, Denton, and North Texas.


Price Per Graft
The NeoGraft Difference
Benefits of FUE
NeoGraft Cost Benefits
Eligible Candidates
Private Consultation with Dr. Thiele
NeoGraft Procedure
Recovery and Results
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Price Per Graft
The NeoGraft Difference
Benefits of FUE
Eligible Candidates
Private Consultation With Dr. Thiele
NeoGraft Procedure
Recovery and Results

Price Per Graft

At The Hair Transplant Center – Fort Worth, we specialize in a hair transplant technique known as follicular unit extraction (FUE). As the name suggests, we harvest clusters of follicles called follicular units from your donor site located at the back of the head, where there is vibrant hair growth. Follicles from this area will be collected and maintained in our NeoGraft device. 

After the required number of units is collected, they are prepared for transplantation. Your healthy follicular cells are strategically located along with the site of thinning or balding areas of your scalp. As your body adapts, your follicles are transformed into new hair growth exactly where you want it.


As you evaluate the cost/benefit ratio of follicular unit extraction (FUE), try to compare it against the alternative procedure: follicular unit transplantation (FUT). Others may still use the FUT technique. While the price is comparable to FUE, the benefits of FUE are hard to ignore. 

Typically, the FUT procedure costs between $3 and $7 per graft, which may sound cost-effective. However, where does it lead to? Also known as “strip harvesting,” FUT requires the removal of skin at the donor site. As a result, patients suffer from loss of skin and a noticeable linear scarring along the donor strip. Moreover, the grafts are less selective than they are with the FUE technique.

Therefore, when you are comparing the prices of FUT and FUE, keep in mind that FUE graft incisions are pin-sized and precise. With FUE, only the most viable follicular units are chosen, whereas the FUT method is inconvenient and less effective.

The NeoGraft Difference

One of the variables that make FUE so reliable is our automated NeoGraft system of extraction and transplantation. In this technique, healthy follicular units are selectively extracted and collected in its patented suction canister. The motor of the NeoGraft device is smooth and silent, eliminating vibrations that can damage the living follicles. 

Since you are paying per graft, you want each harvested follicle to be cradled delicately. The NeoGraft system provides the gentle handling it deserves. Once an adequate number of grafts have been harvested, our skilled hair transplant technicians will use NeoGraft’s handheld device (NeoGraft punches measure between 0.8 and 1.2 millimeters in diameter) that allows precise transplant of the units to your treatment area. The fact that both the extraction process and transplantation process are expertly regulated and administered through the same system saves you time and money.

Benefits of FUE

A recent clinical study showed a link between relevant improvements in the feeling of accomplishment, self-esteem, youthful-looking, and an overall positive attitude on male patients who have undergone hair restoration treatment. It also illustrated an improvement in anxiety levels, sex lives, and an extensive increase in energy and enthusiasm for those who participated in the research. These results prove that a hair transplant procedure isn’t only used merely for aesthetic purposes, but it can have an impact on one’s overall well-being. 

Consider the long-term benefits of a hair replacement procedure that can be life-changing. With increased self-esteem, you can expect a positive attitude, less anxiety and antisocial dispositions, and a new interest in life. 

With emotional and psychological stress aggravating hair loss, worrying about your hair worsens the problem. So, breathe easy and know that in all likelihood, there’s a way out of your hair loss dilemma. 

NeoGraft Cost Benefits

  • Facilitates the follicular extraction process so fewer sessions are required.
  • Automates the transplant of hair follicles, which provides value for your money.
  • Represents the pinnacle of FUE technology, so you are receiving the very best treatment that money can buy.

If you have questions and you want to experience the benefits of the NeoGraft FUE system, contact us at The Hair Transplant Center – Fort Worth and schedule a consultation.

Eligible Candidates

If you live in Fort Worth or are planning to visit thinking about undergoing a hair restoration treatment, then we are your leading destination for a hair transplant procedure. 

To be an eligible candidate for a NeoGraft transplant, you should be in good overall health condition. A NeoGraft FUE procedure can be conducted for both sexes, but it’s frequently used for men with typical male pattern baldness. To undergo this procedure, you must be able to grow hair in the treatment area and you must have enough healthy follicles in the donor site. If you have an active infection or skin condition in either the donor area or the treatment area, you may need to wait until it gets healed. 

You must understand the eligibility criteria so that you can decide whether or not a hair transplant is right for you. Dr. Thiele can determine your eligibility for FUE hair restoration during your comprehensive consultation.

Private Consultation With Dr. Thiele

The purpose of this article is to give an overview of NeoGraft’s cost and efficacy. You must have questions that pertain to your particular case. Dr. Thiele can answer those questions and provide an accurate estimated cost based on your aesthetic needs. 

In addition to being an esteemed hair restoration doctor, Dr. Thiele is also a great communicator. Following his example, we strive to deliver world-class communication with our Fort Worth friends and acquaintances in the form of informative and insightful blogs. Feel free to read through our blog posts and send any questions through our one-on-one consultation.

NeoGraft Procedure

The NeoGraft FUE procedure works this way: 

  1. Before the procedure begins, Dr. Thiele will apply topical anesthesia so that you can’t feel any pain or discomfort.
  2. You may feel pressure or a dull sensation as the procedure goes on, but you won’t feel plucking or squeezing as your hair is moved someplace.
  3. During the procedure, Dr. Thiele will employ an automated machine to harvest hair follicles from the donor area.
  4. The NeoGraft procedure will take between four to six hours, depending on the extent of hair loss. After the process is complete, your head will be bandaged.
  5. After the procedure, you may feel some numbness or slight discomfort. Dr. Thiele will most likely prescribe pain relievers. 

Please note that before the procedure starts, Dr. Thiele will give detailed instructions on how to prepare for your NeoGraft procedure. These will be customized to your specific case, so please follow them accordingly. Each case is different depending on the number of sessions required, the duration of each visit, and other factors that vary from person to person.

Recovery and Results

  • Don’t pick on your scabs that will begin to form within the first few hours after a NeoGraft procedure; scabs should come off within two weeks.
  • Do not wash your scalp for at least 24 hours post-transplant.
  • Do not wear hats for several days and try to avoid strenuous activity for at least two weeks after your transplant.
  • Based on your comfort level, you may return to work within a day or two after the procedure. 

Your hair may appear thinner for a few months after a NeoGraft procedure. Between two weeks and two months, the hair from the transplanted follicles will fall out. After the third month, your hair will then start to regrow naturally in the transplanted area. After six months to a year of regrowth, you’ll be able to see the complete result of your NeoGraft transplant. 

Now that you have completely understood how the NeoGraft procedure works, try to get a glimpse of how our satisfied clients are announcing their fulfillment and satisfaction at our reviews page after they have completed the hair transplant procedure at The Hair Transplant Center – Fort Worth.

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